Season 1 - Episode 10
EPISODE 10 - The Truth About the End Part 1 & 2
Part 1
The kids arrive at the base. We come up with a simple way to separate fact from fiction.
The kids finally arrive at Vandenberg but the journey’s not over. In this episode we’ll show you how to sort out fake truths from real fakes, and truthier trues from less truthier trues (to start, stop using the word “impossible”). Yes, that sounds impossible...but it’s probably not. Also we’ll answer the question: Should you trust your best friend?
Part 2
We find out how it all ends.
The last piece of the puzzle falls into place as Nadine searches for answers. In this episode you’ll get more tips on how to hunt for monsters and seek out the truth. We turn our attention to the skies above Chicago and the trees on the Solomon Islands for a lively “bat chat.”
Benjamin Radford
Ben is an American writer, investigator, and skeptic. He has authored, coauthored or contributed to over twenty books and written over a thousand articles and columns on a wide variety of topics including urban legends, unexplained mysteries, the paranormal, critical thinking, mass hysteria, and media literacy.
Dr. Neal Krawetz
Computer security specialist, forensic researcher, and founder of FotoForensics. Also, he’s a hacker.
Tyrone Lavery, PhD
Tyrone's research is focused toward: the ecology, conservation and management of mammals in Australia and Melanesia (New Guinea and the Solomon Islands); biogeography (where species occur and why); and taxonomy (classification of species).